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Uplifting your organization on the globe with new technologies and achieving 100% work efficiency makes the delight among the competitive market with 24 hours unbelievable friendly customer care support DENSE SOLUTIONS turn out to be shining star within past few years.

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Services Overview

  • Business Process Re-Engineering
  • Work-Flow Engines
  • Web Designing / Hosting
  • Web / Standerd solutions
  • Mobile Solutions
  • Networking

Our Team

Touching the innovative technologies DENSE team is spread in the Sri Lanka primarily while connecting with few countries, serving to DENSES' customer by presenting their location physically fulfill the need of knowledge inside the country as well as the outside.

News & Events


A location of Sinhala songs' notation will be appeared soon. You can customize it by sending suggestions now.


Dense going to touch with GPS systems and will implement a car tracking system. It will help you to see the exact position of your car geographically


Dense migrate to the high-end web server with existing clients' products

Welcome to Dense Solutions

Information systems play inevitable role in global business today. To achieve the competitive advantage in business and operational excellence, DENSE Solutions address your IT related business needs such as business process re-engineering, data base management systems, web designing, hosting, mobile solutions, stand-alone systems, work-flow engines, networking and maintenance IT related systems. Quality, accuracy, user friendliness, identification of the core business requirement and customization the product are highly prioritized.

Our service helps you in dealing with platform and infrastructure change in your business organization while business intelligence are aided by database and the information management systems.

Our Clients

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